Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Not a question but a fact.

Grammar nuts may be bothered by the fact that I didn't put a question mark after "Why does this have to be so hard".  It's not a question, really.  It's a statement.  Staying healthy after 50 is brutal.  I have been health conscious most of my adult life, but every bad thing that I have ever done seems to have caught up with me after turning 50.

The good news is that in some ways I'm healthier than I was in my 40's.  I don't drink diet soda (or any soda) anymore.  It's been 3 years since I ditched that bad habit.  I don't drink alcohol anymore.  It's been 2.5 years since I quit.  I don't eat fast food unless it's a bonafide emergency.  Overall, my health and eating habits are very good.

Last year, I started reading the "Beck Diet Solution" and following it's principles.  For a chronically overweight woman of 53, it was a real "eye opener".  I had hit my bottom, so I was desperate to try anything.  I threw myself with abandon into the program and it worked miracles.  I lost 18 pounds and have kept it off.  I have tracked and planned my food for 355 straight days.  My doctor is thrilled.  You'd think I'd be happy.

I still have a niggling 5 pounds that I want to lose.  My a1c is also a tad high, as is my cholesterol.  I was able to get completely off Blood Pressure medication.

My fitness regime is pretty good.  I try for 30 minutes of exercise a day, at a minimum.  I take Pilates Reformer 4 times a week.  I get 10,000+ steps on most days.  I am taking up golf.  I am pretty active.

After a 6 month plateau at 164ish, I'm feeling frustration again.  Now to really dive into the details and get this last bit of weight off.

Maybe blogging about it will help.  Here we go!